Kategorie Schüleraustausch

25th October 2022: Last day at school and departure

Today’s morning started off with an interview for the Guyer High School journal. We were invited to Mrs. Pritchard’s journalism class and her students asked interesting questions about the differences between German and American schools, cultural differences and what we…

19th October 2022: Tour of Denton

Today, we entered a big yellow American school bus, which took us to several interesting places in Denton.   We started our tour at city hall, where we met the mayor Mr. Gerard Hudspeth. It is important to point out that…

14th October 2022: Pep-Rally

Today would have been a normal school day like all the other days before if it wasn’t for the Pep-Rally. The day started off at 8:50. At 11:25 the third period started, but was interrupted at 1pm when every student…