On the 2nd day of our journey to West Texas / New Mexico, we visited Carlsbad Cavern National Park to enjoy the beautiful stalactite cave of the new national park.
In groups of 10, we entered the cavern, excited to see the beautiful landscape offered by the stalagmites and stalactites.
The way down we stopped multiple times to take photos of the breathtaking light effects that lit the stones on the long, exhausting way down. Finally, arrived at the lowest point of the cavern, we had the opportunity to look at even more mystically formed sculptural stone formations.
When we had ended the walk and looked through the beautiful little gift shop after the elevator trip back up, we went back into the bus and ate the self prepared lunch to head to the next destination of our journey.
After the 3 hour ride we finally entered the hotel in the Valley of White Sands, not far away from our next location, which we visited the day after. We were starving, so the bus headed to a pizza restaurant where we ate dinner and went to bed to prepare for the next day.
(written by Jules and Kenneth)