10th October 2022: White Sands National Park in New Mexiko

On Monday our bus took us to White Sands National Park in New Mexico. It is one of the world’s natural wonders. This unique 275 square miles dune field looks like white sands but is actually made of gypsum. It was created by heavy rainfalls in the mountains, which washed out many minerals that were broken down over time.

When we arrived we watched a very good introduction to the national park and had the chance to walk through the gift shop where some of us bought sweatshirts and other souvenirs. 

Then we had lunch. On four tables we spread out everything we had in the coolers and enjoyed the fried chicken and potato wedges Mr. Shade had bought for us. 

Afterwards we covered ourselves in sunscreen and started to explore the wonderful landscape. Since one of the American students bought a skeleton in the souvenir shop we had an extra person to carry around and he became our new bestie. 

We spent the entire day at White Sands National Park sliding down the dunes, burying ourselves under the sand, tossing balls, taking pictures and having lots of fun. Some of us tried their luck and skill with the diabolo. 

During the wonderful sunset there was a big photoshoot and we took tons of stunning pictures and made some amazing memories.

Also we got very lucky with the weather because it was supposed to rain but it didn’t and we had a beautiful sunset. When we went back to our hotel by bus it was pitch black and so we could see the full yellow moon rising over the dunes.

(written by Felice)